Sunday, July 17, 2005

boat of car

saturday night storms, which means the satellite reception keeps going in & out. actually, it seems to go out whenever a program i want to watch is on, and then comes back when a show i'm less interested in comes on. you might be aware that cartoon network is one of the few channels i watch regularly, and they premiere most of their good shit on saturday nights. fortunately, they'll re-air all the programs again later in the week, so i can still get them recorded. and some of the digital glitches in the video look pretty cool; i'll have to go back & "sample" some of them to my hard drive for later video work. but it's still frustrating.

this afternoon i went down to the big car gallery in fountain square to talk to jim walker about the upcoming collage show on august 12. jim contacted me about it awhile ago and it sounds like it's going to be great. the gallery walls will be stuffed with collage works by 11 different artists, including at least 3 poster-sized pieces by yours truly. there will be live musical performances by three acts, again including yours truly. there will also be video collage (some by me, some by jim walker, and maybe even others) and i'll even be showing my databent art, projected onto the big screen. it promises to be one hell of a gallery showing. here's the blurb from the schedule on the big car website:

August 12 - Latencies: A group collage show. Collages by: Lisa Barton, Doug Calisch, John Clark, Jose Di Gregorio, Penelope Dullaghan, Anna Rae Landsman, Jo Legner, David Mattingly, Kipp Normand, Jason Pierce, Eric Pohlman, Jackie Stover, stAllio!, Jim Walker, and Sue Anne Zollinger. Musical entertainment by: Experimental sound collagist stAllio!, The Hoover, and the Spontaneous Sound Collective. 6-9 p.m. Other video collage and on-the-premises collage making and object-related activities.
Open through Sept. 17

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