eventually i stumbled onto a superhero show, with special fx reminiscent of power rangers. the costumes were loud, the sets all looked like sets, and the fx were day-glo. everyone's weapons shined like glowsticks. this was the only thing on that seemed remotely interesting, so i kept watching.
at first i had no idea what i was watching, or even what channel i was watching. but it soon started to come into focus. the first clue was when the characters started tossing bible quotes at each other. not just one or two bible quotes: these characters would spout them at every opportunity. this was no secular superhero. the fancy swords were secondary weapons: his primary weapon was scripture, which he would quote at every opportunity. indeed, the fight scenes were full of glowing weapons and energy blasts, but just when the battle seemed to fought to a standstill, the heroes would bust out a line like "proverbs 16:18 says that pride comes before a fall!", and sure enough, the next blow would be the last one.

in this episode, they were battling a villain called "the wacky protestor" (get it? he's like those wacky atheist protesters who want to take god out of the pledge, take prayer out of schools, remove the ten commandments from the public sphere... i'm sure you get the point). the wacky protestor's mannerisms were blatantly adapted from jerry lewis. copying jerry lewis's schtick is pretty common; animaniacs featured a ridiculous number of lewis characters for example. but this was a christian indoctrination show, and the lewis character was the villain. so i had to wonder: was this a sign of antisemitism? the wacky protestor, by copying jerry lewis's "dorky" mannerisms, was playing up on jewish stereotypes. so was it intentional? were they trying to be antisemitic? or did they naively not even realize that they were giving off an antisemitic vibe? i quickly found this post on wfmu's beware of the blog, which suggests a trend of "jew-y" villains. after viewing many episodes, i have concluded that the antisemitism must be intentional. i think the best evidence is the character of talk-show host sammy davey, but i will have to post about him another time.

this was the start of an obsession. i set a season pass on my directivo at the first opportunity and have diligently recorded tons of audio from the series for potential sampling. recently i've started taking screenshots, which i will now begin to share with you. because of space issues (as well as the erratic behavior of CSS's "float" property, which is what we bloggers use to wrap text around images like i'm doing here), i can't possibly include all of my interesting screenshots in one meager blog post, so i must be selective. hopefully in the future i will find time to post screenshots of bibleman's many jewish stereotypes, bibleman's sidekicks, the ridiculous computer work, and more. but today i will focus on the evolution of bibleman's costume, or his armor.

bibleman has no superpowers to speak of. he has a sword (the "sword of the spirit") and armor. when it's time to transform from his alter-ego of miles peterson into bibleman, he asks his computer to begin the "full armor sequence", & goes through a transformation scene much like you have seen before on japanese shows like voltron or power rangers. each portion of the armor has a name, from his breastplate of righteousness down to his shoes of peace. but the design and function of the armor has evolved with the show's budget.

after a couple episodes they quickly (and wisely) did away with the awful yellow costume and designed a newer, purpler one. this was the first costume that appeared to be made of foam rather than plastic. the distinctive marks of this costume are the purple armor with yellow highlights (kind of an airbrush look) and the "hair wings" styling on the helmet. see figure 4, of bibleman giving a good old-fashioned finger-pointin' scolding, and figure 5, of bibleman onstage addressing a bunch of kids to announce his "clean is cool" campaign. (the plot of this episode revolved around the fact that only two buttons had been made for the "clean is cool" campaign, and a villain named dr. fear had replaced them with his own evil buttons, which allowed him to produce fear in the wearer.)

after a number of episodes with coats and the "hair wings" costume, the show was retooled again, with another seeming budget increase. coats was gone, replaced with a younger, less-threatening black sidekick, a teenager called cypher. like coats, cypher is a computer wiz. he's also a dancer, though one with a troubled past: his old dance troupe had some bad influences. cypher is also the first sidekick to get a costume of his own, though his armor apparently isn't named so he doesn't get his own full-armor sequence. cypher's a bit cocky and headstrong, but hey, he's a good kid.

finally, we come to the fourth set of armor, the chrome armor. this armor is the most drastic redesign yet, especially compared to the last redesign, which was relatively minor. the chrome armor consists of white tights with numerous shiny plates to protect his chest, limbs, and whatnot. the purple is almost totally gone, save for the cape.
reflective chrome might seem like a strange choice, but the reasoning behind it is obvious: this show is all about lighting effects. computers have blinking LEDs everywhere. weapons are all luminescent. and the villains' lairs, at least by this point, are distinguishable by their colored lighting. in short, just like at a rave, there are blinky colored lights everywhere. making bibleman's armor out of a highly reflective material means that he will light up like a christmas tree, even without any actual lights on his costume, simply by virtue of the many lights that surround him at all times. this armor has serious bling. it's like constant lens flare 24 hours a day, 30 frames a second. icy hot stuntaz would be jealous.

so that concludes my survey of bibleman's armor. i hope you've enjoyed this introduction to the campy world of bibleman. in the future, i plan to post more about the bibleman world, complete with screenshots of the many jewish stereotypes and supporting characters. that is, when and if i get around to it. a post like this requires hours of work, taking screenshots, picking the best ones, coming up with themes that connect them, writing the posts, and formatting them all so they will look decent. if you hunger for more bibleman blogging, let me know, as i'll be more inspired by bustling feedback than i will be by silence. until then you can tide yourself over with other bloggers discussing bibleman and this flickr album called "the temptation of bibleman".¶
apparently willie aames was touring as bibleman as recently as 2001 - he made a "special appearance" at a local baptist church's vacation bible school around that time. and he was recently on some sort of weight-loss reality show with the guy from warrant, victoria jackson, gary busey, and someone from jackass's overweight father (bam margiera, maybe). i guess that's a good indicator of when those videos were made, because there's no way that willie aames ca. early 2005 would have fit into the costumes you showed in your vidcaps.
you can't exactly say "oh, how the mighty have fallen" here; seems to me that bibleman was his peak, despite eight is enough and his masterful playing of the horny second banana to scott baio.
does he still pronounce the hard "ar" funny, as in "hey, churles"?
celebrity fit club 2: interesting. which raises the question of why he hung up his bibleman tights. was he just too chubby to fit into them?
i don't know; most of those celebrities look pretty decent in their before photos. except for jani lane, that is. eeegah!
oh, some of the comments here are interesting.
yeah, this was classic: "And what on Earth was Willie Aames thinking, supporting Kaufman when he (as a Christian) knows that prayer is only effective if the requests are made in Jesus’ name?"
can't argue with that logic. seriously, there's no use.
obviously, that means that prayers made by non-christians simply don't work. okay, simple enough. but does that also mean that if a devout christian offers up a heartfelt prayer, but forgets to explicitly mention jesus by name, that prayer won't be answered either? i didn't think jesus was that literal-minded.
most of the comments there seem pretty reasonable, really. but that first one... hoo boy!
jesus probably wasn't as literal-minded as a lot of the fundamentalists who believe in him. not god, not "holy spirit" - just jesus. a white, soft-lit, long-haired jesus with an impeccably trimmed beard.
wanna have some fun? try telling a fundamentalist x-tian that jesus christ is a prophet of islam...
i thought we agreed that bibleman just HAD to be antisemitic, once we noticed the "jew-crushing gauntlets" tidbit in the full armor sequence, no?
What we got to understand is that if we don't begin to win our children's trust, the church is gonna die, without the kids to take over for the adults that are either dead or too old, we'll lose the church. We got great tools today, Bibleman, Veggie Tales, those are great tools to get kid interested in the Bible, cause them to want to be a Christian
Bibleman was made to get kids 6-10 interested in the word of God. I'm a Christian and I like Bibleman, he's pretty cool.I'm currently buying all the Bibleman DVDs at the Christian Book Store for my future kids.
Now, becomming a Christian isn't hard, not hard at all. In fact it is as easy as ABC. The letter A stands for admnit, you must admit your sins to God, say "Yes God, I've sinned, I'm a sinner. But I ask You in Jesus' name to forgive my sins and may the blood of Jesus wash away my sins. In Jesus' name, Amen."
The letter B stands for Believe. If you wanna be a Christian, you have to believe that Jesus paid the price for your sins, when He died on the cross, He carried the weight of your sins. He paid that price once and for all time, and He was the only one who could do it.
The letter C stands for Chose
Which is what you must do everyday all your life, to chose to follow the Lord, today, tomorrow and everyday for the rest of your life.
"Why would I want to be a Christian?" you may be asking yourself. Well wheither we believe it or not, Jesus is the only way to Heaven, if we believe He died for our sins and accept Him as our Savior, we'll go to Heaven. Now if we're living our lives just passing through without a care in the world or without caring who Jesus is, even if we're "basically" good people, it doesn't matter, all unsaved people--even if they're not really bad--Santan wins your soul and you'll be doomed forever in Hell. "Well that seems harse!" you may be saying. Yes it does seem rather unfair, but if you go to Hell, it won't be because God send you there, in fact, it isn't His desire for us go there, it will be because we CHOSED to go there. You got to be sure you're saved everyday, because you never know what will happen, either you die of a accident or murdered and if you're not saved, take a guess where you'd go.
Bibleman's bike is called the Tunnel Bike, because he seem to drive it through a tunnel every time. And besides, when he put on his armor he'd say "And the Sword of the Sprit. UNICE, I'll take the Tunnel Bike, track me."
Bibleman's first sidekick was a black dude named Coats and the other was Cypher and then Cypher and Biblegirl together
that is very interesting article and costume of batman is absolutely
Hey guys, Coronavirus is not enough to stop the return of BIBLEMAN and CYPHER! Watch out, they're coming to rescue us all.
I'm more interested in the "Jew Crushing Gauntlets" lmao fucking based
hello there
General Kenobi, you are a bold one.
I grew up watching this and bibleman was awesome.
I read the term "Jew Crushing Gauntlets" in some previous comments, but I can't find anything on the subject anywhere else, and they clearly weren't in the actual show. Where does this come from?
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