Friday, April 01, 2005

RFID kills, bugged = dead

connie passed this on to me.

WHAT: Tell the government you oppose spychips in passports
WHEN: By Monday, April 4th, at 5:00 PM EST

Add your protest comment to the hundreds that have already been filed.
Then forward this email and spread the word!


The US Department of State plans to put remotely readable radio frequency identification (RFID) spychips into all new passports. These tiny computer spychips will use radio waves to broadcast the information contained on our passports -- including name, date and place of birth, passport number and photograph -- right through our wallets, backpacks, pockets or purses, to nearby reader devices.

The data will not be encrypted or protected in any way. This reckless plan could put Americans traveling overseas at risk of attack by thieves, muggers, kidnappers, and even terrorists who could use portable reader devices to zero in on the radio signals emanating from our passports. Don't let the federal government put a spychip in *your* pocket!

NOTE: While the maximum legal read range of the passport chips is only a few inches, criminals can eavesdrop on official reader devices to capture your data from across a room or potentially even down the block.

(Even if you don't have a passport, this still impacts you. Passport chipping is a trial run for other documents. If we allow this to happen, drivers licenses will be next.)

yet another cockamamie plan that will endanger american lives if it isn't stopped. why would anyone traveling overseas want a tiny radio transmitter in their pocket, constantly broadcasting their personal information? and unencrypted?

the state department is accepting public comments until april 4 (monday). goto this site now and fill in the form; your comments will automatically be sent to the state department. if they get enough complaints, maybe they'll realize their mistake.

Our friends at RFIDKILLS.COM have put together a quick and easy way to submit your comments against spychipped passports directly to the US State Department.

There are four days left to inundate the State Department with complaints. Write a short note of opposition yourself (even something as simple as "I oppose RFID in passports" is fine.) Then ask five friends to do the same.

and in case they don't realize their mistake and you don't have a valid passport (like i don't), goto this site on for information how to get yourself one. i need to track down my old, expired passport to figure out whether i can "renew" or need to get another one. i'm faily certain it was issued less than 15 years ago, but i'm not sure if i was 16 years old (or older) at the time (i have a feeling i got it sophomore year in high school, which would've made me 15 at the time).

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