the indy star reports that the flogger is now in a tough 3-way race. the libertarian in the race, kenn gividen, unsuccessfully ran for governor in 2004. the democrat in the race donated money to mitch daniels in a show of bipartisanship. and both claim they're "picking up support from Republicans who don't like everything they've heard about Walker."
also, tdw points out that the three candidates will debate tonight at 7pm at franklin college.
doug has more. advance indiana also takes a momentary break from his crusade against julia carson to post about the race. gividen himself (or someone claiming to be him) shows up in the comments for both blogs. apparently gividen does not read TDW.
update: star columnist matt tully posts on his blog that he will be on the panel of journalists asking questions during the debate. he writes:
So, keeping in mind the need to be fair and respectful, consider this an open call for suggested questions at tonight's debate. Don't worry, I have plenty of questions already prepared (and, yes, I'm sure the flogging issue will come up). But I'd be more than happy to consider your suggestions.¶
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