Thursday, January 22, 2009

media still repeating myths about clinton admin

i was reading this otherwise interesting wapo story about obama staffers adjusting from the ultra-modern campaign to the more primitive and restrictive white house environment, when i spotted this falsehood at the end:

But there were no missing letters from the computer keyboards, as Bush officials had complained of during their transition in 2001.

of course, this never happened—it was a myth dreamed up by bushies to advance the notion that "the grown-ups were now in charge"... and we all know how that turned out.

apparently the washington post isn't alone in propagating this myth. mark crispin miller notes that nbc and abc also repeated the lie with no attempt to point out that it's false.


Wilson46201 said...

Of course, smalltown gossip and petty bigot Gary Welsh repeated the same delusional charges. Honesty and accuracy has never been Gary's strong point.

He's been nervously spitting and spewing bile and venom ever since January 19th. The next eight years will see Welsh self-consumed by paroxysms of hate and fear... Pitiful !

stAllio! said...

He's been nervously spitting and spewing bile and venom ever since January 19th.

he started long before 1/19.